Cornerstone Chapel

CCA Volunteer Handbook Agreement - CCA002


Cornerstone Christian Academy Volunteers,

Thank you for choosing to serve at Cornerstone Christian Academy. Volunteers are an essential part of our school. We could not do what we do without you. When you use your gifts to serve, you share the love of Christ with others in a powerful and impactful way.

This CCA Volunteer Handbook was developed to make you aware of important school policies and provide you with information you will need as you faithfully serve. All volunteers are required to read the CCA Volunteer Handbook and sign the "Volunteer Statement of Acknowledgment" found on the last page.

Thank you again for volunteering!

With grateful hearts,

Cornerstone Christian Academy

Our Mission
Cornerstone Christian Academy partners with parents to prepare students to be servant-leaders and to pursue their God-given callings as disciples of Christ, by instilling a Biblical worldview and forging a culture of excellence grounded in the Truth of God’s Word.



"…Guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge"

– 1 Timothy 6:20 (1984 NIV)



This Volunteer Handbook is intended to provide general guidelines for volunteer conduct and requirements. Cornerstone Christian Academy reserves the right to modify any information contained in this handbook, with or without notice, as it deems necessary or appropriate.


Effective Date of Policies

The policies contained in this handbook are effective August 1st, 2024 and replace all previous Volunteer Handbooks and Policy Manuals.


Changes to the Handbook

Changes to this handbook may be made at the discretion of the Head of School or his delegated authority. Once adopted, changes to any policies will become effective immediately. All volunteers will receive a new copy of the handbook whenever changes are made.


Requirements and Qualifications


Criminal Background Checks

Cornerstone Christian Academy conducts criminal background and reference checks for all new volunteers to determine suitability for volunteering when necessary. Cornerstone Christian Academy also reserves the right to update these criminal background checks on existing volunteers.

In the event a criminal record exists, consideration will be given to the relationship between the conviction and the responsibilities of the position that is or will be held. A relevant job-related conviction is grounds for non-selection of an applicant. "Conviction," as used in this section, is defined as including all felonies and misdemeanors except minor do require operation of a motor vehicle, a “conviction” includes minor traffic violations. Falsification of application material, including failure to disclose criminal convictions, is grounds for not being able to serve as a volunteer.

All information obtained through a criminal background check will be considered confidential information and will not be released without written authorization and release signed by the individual who is subject to the inquiry.

Personal Attitude & Behavior


Volunteers must have a spirit of cooperation with the school leadership, faculty and staff, parents, students, and other volunteers. They should have a servant’s heart, be willing to help where and when needed, and take initiative for whatever needs to be done. Disagreements that cannot be resolved privately in accordance with Matthew 18 will be resolved in accordance with the Biblical Conflict Resolution section in this Handbook. Violation of this principle may prohibit the volunteer from further service.


Volunteers must be neatly and modestly dressed and groomed in appearance.

Articles of Faith

As a ministry of Cornerstone Chapel, Cornerstone Christian Academy is in alignment with and adheres to Cornerstone Chapel's Articles of Faith. CCA leadership relies on the Articles of Faith for decisions related to faith, practice, policy, and operations. All volunteers will be required to agree to Cornerstone Christian Academy's Articles of Faith.

  1. We believe there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory; that this triune God created all, upholds all and governs all
  2. We believe in God, the Father, an infinite, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power, and love; that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men; that He hears and answers prayer; and that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ;
  3. We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, and teachings; His substitutionary atoning death; bodily resurrection; ascension into heaven; perpetual intercession for His people; and personal, visible return to earth. We believe that He is one and the same as God. He was fully human and fully God;
  4. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who came forth from the Father and Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment and to regenerate, sanctify, and empower in ministry all who believe in Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is an abiding Helper, Teacher, and Guide. We believe that Jesus Christ baptizes the seeking believer with the Holy Spirit and power for service, either at the time of or subsequent to regeneration, which is a separate work from the indwelling Spirit for salvation. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and the exercise of all biblical gifts of the Spirit as reflected through the fruit of that same Spirit;
  5. We believe that all the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts, and that they are the infallible rule of faith and practice;
  6. We believe all people are by nature separated from God and responsible for their own sin, but that salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. When a person repents of sin and accepts Jesus Christ as his/her personal Lord and Savior, trusting Him to save, that person is immediately born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit, all of his/her sins are forgiven, and that person becomes a child of God, assured of spending eternity with the Lord;
  7. We believe in the universal Church, in the living spiritual body, of which Christ is the head and all regenerated persons are members;
  8. We await the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church, and we believe in the literal Second Coming of Christ with His saints to rule the earth, which will be personal and visible. This motivates us to holy living, heartfelt worship, committed service, diligent study of God’s word, regular fellowship, and participation in baptism and Communion;
  9. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church: 1) baptism, and 2) the Lord’s Supper. We practice baptism by immersion and regularly celebrate Communion according to the Scriptural guidelines found in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34.
  10. We believe in the laying on of hands for the sending out of pastors and missionaries, and in conjunction with the anointing of oil by the elders for the healing of the sick;
  11. We believe that marriage is exclusively the union between one man and one woman in a lifetime commitment to each other (Genesis 2:23-24; Matthew 19:4-6). Marriage reflects the relationship between Christ and the Church and provides for procreation, intimate companionship, and we believe is the only basis for any form of sexual expression. We believe that any intimate sexual activity outside of marriage is sin, and that only heterosexual romantic relationships are consistent with God’s design (1 Thess. 4:3; Ephesians 5:3).
  12. We believe that God disapproves of any attempt to alter one’s gender (as revealed at birth) through surgery, medicine, appearance, or otherwise and such an attempt violates God’s creative order. Sex and gender are inseparably determined by God at the moment of creation and may not be legitimately changed by human action (Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:18-22; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
  13. We believe that human life is sacred from conception to its natural end and abortion is in direct violation of God’s law. We are unapologetically pro-life and believe that we must have concern for the physical and spiritual needs of our fellow persons, both preborn and born (Psalm 139:13, Isaiah 49:1, Jeremiah 1:5).
  14. We believe that in the beginning God created mankind in His image, and it is not in any sense the product of evolution. Mankind was originally created with the ability to live perfectly for God’s glory. Man is the special creation of God, made in His own image. He created them, male and female, as the crowning work of His creation (Genesis 1:27, 31).
Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Controlled Substances

Cornerstone Christian Academy wants to create a safe, healthy, drug-free and smoke-free environment for everyone who comes through our doors, whether faculty and staff, students, parents or visitors. To promote this goal, all volunteers are required to report for volunteer service in an appropriate mental and physical condition to perform their duties in a satisfactory manner. The use, sale, transfer, or possession of; or being "under the influence" of; alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances while volunteering on school property or in school vehicles is prohibited. Smoking of tobacco is also prohibited within the school building, vehicles and on the school grounds. In addition, illegal off-duty conduct that may adversely affect the school's reputation or interest is also prohibited. Volunteers who violate this policy may be prohibited from further volunteer service.

Safety and Injury Reporting

In the event that an injury occurs during a school function for which a volunteer is present, the volunteer is required to immediately notify the Volunteer Coordinator who will manage the situation on his/her behalf.


Performance Standards and Biblical Code of Conduct

Each volunteer is responsible for conducting himself/herself in a manner that will glorify God. Cornerstone Christian Academy uses biblical principles to guide its work ethics and policies and expects the same of its volunteers.

Adherence to Scriptural Principles

Failure to display a constant effort to adhere to the Scriptural principles of the Christian life as defined and set forth in God’s Word and Cornerstone Christian Academy’s governing documents and policies may lead to dismissal.

Sexual Misconduct and Child Abuse

One of Cornerstone Christian Academy’s greatest concerns is protecting children from the possibility of sexual misconduct, and strictly prohibits any such behavior. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, any inappropriate or illegal behavior or mental condition likely to produce such behavior, including child abuse or a mental health diagnosis of paraphilia (including pedophilia, exhibitionism, or voyeurism).

A volunteer found with any of the above in his/her history will be prohibited from interactions with children and youth. The Head of School, or their delegated authority, to promote sensitivity to the complainant and justice to all parties, will investigate all allegations of such inappropriate behavior promptly, thoroughly, and with the highest confidentiality permitted by the circumstances. Disagreements that cannot be resolved privately in accordance with Matthew 18 will be resolved in accordance with Biblical Conflict Resolution section in this Handbook. Any violation will disqualify the volunteer from further service.

Volunteers may be required to complete training if they serve in an area with minors.

Classroom Procedures

You should never be alone with a student. In the event a one-on-one conversation with a student is required, room doors should be open, or a second adult must be present with you in the room.

Volunteers should always remain outside the restrooms. If a student needs assistance in the restroom for any reason, please call for back-up.

All discipline is to be handled by staff or administration. If any situation arises that you believe necessitates discipline, please call the appropriate school personnel immediately.

Appropriate Boundaries
Hugs should be initiated by children only. Respect others' space and personal boundaries – some children do not like hugs and should not be "forced" to give one.

No Sitting on Laps
Younger Kids – introduce structure and practice appropriate boundaries. We can console younger children, but children should not sit on laps.

Have them sit beside you if they need comfort or for younger children, stand up and hold them.


Please dress modestly and comfortably. Remember, you are a reflection of Christ to the children and to the families that attend. Please dress so that you can comfortably get on the floor to interact with the kids without your clothing being a distraction to you or to others.


Cornerstone Christian Academy is committed to providing an environment that is free from unlawful harassment based on race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, disability, veteran status, age, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state, or local law. No discrimination or harassment of any type will be tolerated by employees or volunteers of Cornerstone Christian Academy. Violation of this policy will result in dismissal as a volunteer.

Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, making unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and all other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or otherwise offensive nature. Sexual harassment can occur between individuals of the opposite sex or the same sex.

Harassment other than sexual harassment is verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion to an individual because of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, disability, veteran status, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by applicable federal, state, or local law.

If a volunteer believes that he/she is being or has been harassed in any way, he/she must report the facts of the incident or incidents to the delegated authority over the event or the school's Director of HR without fear of reprisal. Cornerstone Christian Academy will investigate all complaints of discrimination and harassment promptly and impartially.

Every effort will be made to keep the volunteer's complaint confidential and consistent with Cornerstone Christian Academy’s Performance Standards and Biblical Code of Conduct and any legal obligations.

No Retaliation

Cornerstone Christian Academy prohibits any form of retaliation against a volunteer for opposing harassment or discrimination, filing a complaint under this policy, or for assisting in the investigation of a complaint. If a volunteer believes that he/she has been retaliated against in violation of this policy, he/she must report this to the Head of School or the school’s Director of HR.

If a determination is made that unlawful harassment, discrimination or retaliation has occurred, the church will take appropriate preventive and corrective action.



Building Access

Building access will be determined by the Volunteer Coordinator and the Director of Security. Volunteers are not permitted to grant others access to the building.



Public Relations

The Head of School or their delegated authority will be the official spokesperson for Cornerstone Christian Academy in all matters of official comment. No volunteer will originate or release news concerning policies, doctrines, procedures, convictions, or finances of Cornerstone Christian Academy for use in any medium of communication without review and authorization by the Executive Director of Communications. All inquiries by media or other individuals, regardless of medium, should be directed to the Executive Director of Communications.


Social Media

The same principles and guidelines found in Cornerstone Christian Academy’s Articles of Faith and Performance Standards/Biblical Code of Conduct apply equally to a volunteer’s online activities. Ultimately, the individual volunteer is solely responsible for what he/she posts on social media; however, if a volunteer posts content that is deemed to be in violation of the schools Articles of Faith, it may result in dismissal as a volunteer.

Volunteers are not permitted under any circumstances to speak on behalf of the school. All content on social media that relates to the church must be clearly identifiable as a personal opinion and not that of Cornerstone Christian Academy.


Biblical Conflict Resolution

Grievances or complaints between fellow volunteers or volunteers and employees should first be addressed between themselves in the spirit of Matthew 18. If the grievance cannot be resolved or a volunteer has a complaint regarding the school’s policies or procedures, the volunteer should address the matter with the Head of School or their delegated authority as soon as possible. In most instances, an informal discussion with the Head of School or their delegated authority will solve the problem. However, if a solution cannot be reached by talking, the matter will be resolved according to Biblical process set out in Matt. 18, Matt. 5, and 1 Cor. 6.


Handbook Acknowledgment

This is to acknowledge that I have received a copy of the CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK, dated August 1, 2024. I understand that it provides guidelines and summary information about the school’s policies and procedures as they relate to my volunteer services. I also understand that it is my responsibility to read, understand, become familiar with, and comply with the guidelines that have been established. I further understand that the school reserves the right to modify, supplement, rescind, or revise any provision, benefit, or policy from time to time, as it deems necessary or appropriate and that this handbook supersedes all previous versions.

I acknowledge that I am volunteering for the school of my own free will, and that I will not receive compensation for my volunteer time. The school is not obligated to provide volunteer opportunities, nor am I obligated to accept them. I understand that violation of any of the guidelines set forth in this Volunteer Handbook may result in my dismissal as a volunteer.

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Document name: CCA Volunteer Handbook Agreement - CCA002
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Timestamp Audit
August 24, 2023 5:56 pm EDTCCA Volunteer Handbook Agreement - CCA002 Uploaded by Cornerstone Chapel - IP
August 26, 2023 12:15 pm EDTCCA Volunteers - added by Cornerstone Chapel - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
August 28, 2023 2:05 pm EDTCCA Volunteers - added by Cornerstone Chapel - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
August 30, 2023 12:04 pm EDTCCA Volunteers - added by Cornerstone Chapel - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
July 31, 2024 8:33 pm EDTCCA Volunteers - added by Cornerstone Chapel - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
August 2, 2024 8:39 pm EDTCCA Volunteers - added by Cornerstone Chapel - as a CC'd Recipient Ip: