Cornerstone Chapel

Youth Leader Expectations - MS005

Youth Ministry is, above all, a place where students are provided opportunities to grow in their relationships with the Lord. We also have a lot of fun—but a youth leader’s primary role is to both model and encourage a living and active relationship with Jesus Christ.

Youth leaders are representatives of Jesus Christ and Cornerstone Chapel and are therefore called to a high standard.

Youth leaders commit to growth in their relationships with the Lord.

It is impossible to serve well without nurturing your own relationship with Christ. You should regularly spend time studying God’s Word, talking with Him in prayer, and in fellowship with other believers.

Please read Galatians 5:16-26. The Apostle Paul discusses the tension between what he refers to as the “lusts of the flesh” and a life lived “walking in the Spirit.” The lusts of the flesh, which Paul says are evident and obvious, cannot exist while walking in the Spirit.

Youth leaders commit to purity in relationships.

Romantic Relationships
Romantic relationships must be pure and above reproach. The way you act with a significant other in private and in public is vital to your ability to lead students according to God’s Word.  Relationships must be within the bounds of Scripture and therefore include only one man and one woman and be free from sexual immorality. If you are unclear as to what is considered sexual immorality, please speak to a ministry staff leader.

Team Member Relationships
Leaders are to be peacemakers and should not provoke contention. There must be mutual respect between team members, and you should seek to build one another up spiritually and emotionally, both through the words you use and the attitudes you display.   

Substance Use/Abuse
Our bodies are gifts of God to be well stewarded, and as a youth leader, you are in a position of significant influence over the students you lead. You are to refrain from tobacco use, vaping products, marijuana use, illegal substances, and drunkenness. Alcohol consumption is highly discouraged.

Social Media
The reach of social media is significant. Whether you post on social media yourself or appear in the posts of others, your images, language, and dress should be above reproach.

Church Involvement/Attendance
Outside of scheduled ministry opportunities, there must be a true and honest effort to regularly attend youth and church services.

  • We ask that any volunteer in a teaching role (small group leader, camp counselor, etc) be saved for at least one year.

Maintaining Resources
As most of the ministries of our church share resources, we expect youth leaders to respect, maintain, and care for the resources in community spaces.

Student Interaction
While engagement with students is vital for a youth leader, there are important boundaries:

  • Male volunteers should focus on ministering to male students and female volunteers should focus on ministering to female students.
  • All leaders should be aware of their physical interactions with students. Rough housing (wrestling), hugs, and other physical touch should be avoided.
  • Limit how much you share of your own personal problems and struggles with students, as doing so can take the focus away from ministering to the students. You are encouraged to discuss personal challenges with ministry staff as needed.
  • If questions or topics arise for which you do not know the answer, please direct the student to a ministry staff leader. Do not make up answers.
  • We expect you to report the following issues to the ministry staff leaders:
    • Bullying
    • Self-harm
    • Anything that is or could be harming to the student

By signing this document, you are acknowledging that you understand that, as a member of the Youth leadership team, there are behavioral expectations, and violations can result in suspension and/or expulsion from the team.

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Document name: Youth Leader Expectations - MS005
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